Life in Faith and Fitness Together

A Christ Centered Approach to Wellness.

Unlock Lasting Health and Fitness with a Twist of Faith!

Together, let's embark on a journey to rediscover peace and fulfillment by nurturing our bodies, minds, and spirits. It's your moment to reclaim your well-being and align it harmoniously with your inner self. Let us support each other as we rebuild and nurture strong, fit, and healthy bodies, embracing God's glory and fulfilling His purpose for our lives. Together, we can advance His Kingdom as healthier, stronger versions of ourselves.

  • Our 28-week fitness journey is more than just exercise routines and meal plans. It’s a holistic approach that integrates Faith and Wellness, guided by God’s divine plan. Here’s what you can expect:

    Seeking God: We prioritize connecting with our Creator. Through prayer, meditation, and reflection, we invite God into our fitness journey.

    Surrendering to His Guidance: Let go of self-reliance and surrender to God’s wisdom. Trust that He knows what’s best for your body, mind, and spirit.

    Embracing Christ’s Transformative Power: Our program combines physical fitness with spiritual growth. As you work out, you’ll also dive into Scripture, drawing strength from God’s Word.

    Lasting Transformations: This isn’t a quick fix. We’re committed to helping you achieve lasting changes. Not just for a season, but for a fulfilling lifetime.

  • Well-Designed Exercise Regimen: Tailored workouts that challenge you physically while honoring your unique abilities.

    Proper Nutrition: Learn about nourishing your body with wholesome foods. No extreme diets—just sustainable choices.

    God’s Word: Weekly devotionals, Bible verses, and encouragement to keep you spiritually grounded.

    Community Interaction: Connect with others on the same journey. Share victories, challenges, and encouragement as we walk this path together.

  • We are seeking 10 women in midlife who are ready to break free from low self-confidence and self-image caused by poor health and fitness. Women who are tired of feeling stuck and long for vitality and strength. Women prepared to overcome challenges and embrace the joys of midlife, by navigating the effects of aging on their bodies with grace and confidence.

New Group Begins June 1st

New Group Begins June 1st

Your Transformation Awaits…

Imagine feeling amazing in your clothes, radiating confidence, and embracing your inner beauty. It’s not just about physical appearance; it’s about reclaiming your whole self.

Investment in YOURSELF: The LIFFT: Life in Faith & Fitness Together program is priced at $250 per month for 7 months. This investment covers:

  • 5 days a week exercise routine

  • Nutritional guidance

  • Weekly Devotionals and Journaling Prompts

  • 1x a month Coaching Workshop

Remember, it’s not just about physical results; it’s about nourishing your soul and embracing your inner beauty.

Ready to embark on this transformative journey?